Episode 709
Comedy Central's South Park. I'm not a fan, but I know many of you are. (It happened to come on after the Warriors' basketball game while I was moping about how pitiful the Mavericks were.)
This episode (Christian Hard Rock) was spoofing Christian culture and its music. I'd like to have a copy to show followers how other's often see us and our attitudes, practice, and values. If you took the lyrics out of this context, they might be embraced in many churches.
...thanks to Wikipedia for the synopsis.
You should watch the movie Jesus Camp. Ryan rented it a few weeks ago and asked me to watch it with him. It's a little scary to see how Christians are also lumped together in one big boat as "evangelicals" when the range is pretty wide. But, some parts are uncomfortably familiar.
Julie Kibler, at Sunday, April 29, 2007
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