We Baptists Do Not Drink ( . . . in front of each other)
Andrew has an interesting article regarding a topic that has gotten a lot of press in the last few months. Read the article and enjoy the comments. Here's my fav
I've been instructed that when taking a baptist fishing to always invite two. Otherwise the one will drink all of your beer.
- Richard
our apartment complex is actually one of 12 or so all owned by the same company. it's kind of targeted to the college aged and young professionals, and they publish a monthly magazine with monthly events and stuff and hang it on our doors. local businesses will have takeout menus stuffed in the magazine, and gyms with specials, that kind of thing. and last month a catholic church group put in a flier about "theology on tap," their weekly gathering in one of the local bars. i thought that was kinda neat... those crazy catholics!
hampton, at Wednesday, March 28, 2007
and also:
this looks entertaining, if not actually interesting.
hampton, at Thursday, March 29, 2007
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