Saturday, January 27, 2007

line between secular and sacred

When you look in the box for most of those that I church with you will find this dualistic pattern of thought. It's a comfortable concept for isolationist who want to withdraw for fear of becoming tainted by contact with outsiders.

but I have come to believe that we need to interact with certain things in culture to better understand people in the world and their underlying desire to be redeemed...

Becoming a cultural redemptive means that we are willing to connect with the expressions of our culture in order to translate the message of the kingdom: a message of freedom and a new start. As I struggle to find the balance, I gain a better understanding of my role in the world as it pertains to the mission of God: a mission that is known for its nearness to culture and its compassion for those who are desperately searching for redemption. read more...

- Brian Orme

I recently heard a Preacher say, "Ask not what your church can do for you, but what you can do for the Kingdom of God." Wouldn't it be nice to live in a world where that was true and everyone in the world knew it?

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Hello Blogosphere, I'm back.

Apologies to all for my absenteeism over the last several months. 2006 became quite an adventure. I'm hoping the things settle down in 2007.

My part of the development project is completed - developed, tested, and deployed! A new challenge sprang up in mid-2006 and at least for now has become a full time job. It will change my responsibilities at work entirely. Challenges abound.

2006 also provided lots of opportunities to re-evaluate and reconstruct my theology of church and ministry. Much of that is still unfolding as I wrestle with cultural issues. More to follow. For now I'll end with this quote from the emergent newsletter that counters one of my greatest criticisms of many institutional churches (i.e. consumer culture)

I believe that EV (emergent village) is worth supporting because it creates a gift-culture community...