Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Cowboy types

From my notes:

  1. Ranch Cowboys - Day Workers

  2. Rodeo Cowboys - Bull Riders, Calf Ropers, Barrell Racers

  3. Horse Cowboys - Trail Riders

  4. Cowboys @ Heart - Western wear, C&W music

  5. Country Cowboys - Windshield cowboy


Best quote:
Are you sick 'n tired of being sick 'n tired?

Sunday, August 27, 2006


I attended a "Cowboy Church School" this weekend at Truett Seminary hosted by the Baptist General Convention of Texas. More to follow. For now...

The Code of the West

  1. Live each day with courage.

  2. Take pride in your work.

  3. Always finish what you start.

  4. Do what has to be done.

  5. Be tough, but fair.

  6. When you make a promise, keep it.

  7. Ride for the brand.

  8. Talk less, and say more.

  9. Remember that some things aren't for sale.

  10. Know where to draw the line.

Author Unknown

Thursday, August 24, 2006

a family of pilgrims, committed to faith transformation, within and outside our walls. We invite you to join us and learn more about where God is taking us as we seek to live as people of God in today's world

Our Beliefs:

  • We live in a spiritual world where the love of Jesus can be experienced and known.

  • It is through a community of discipleship groups that we build authentic relationships that promote acceptance and security.

  • We have the freedom to serve all people in creative ways so that we may introduce them to Jesus.

  • It is God's desire that we find our purpose and use our talents to make a difference in this world.

  • God designed us to enjoy life to its fullest. We desire to spend time together in meaningful relationships, having fun.

  • 801 E I-20 † Grand Prairie, TX 75052 † (972) 263-2224

    what happens...

    what happens when a gifted Christian’s only experience is in the modern institutional church?

    - Frank Viola

    ... it's a great question

    creating safe places

    The group granted us permission to help them connect the dots of their story with the Grand Story. We had created a safe place on their territory where life was lived by their code of conduct. Each night I prayed behind their back and then told them to their face over a morning bagel.

    Creating safe places offers nothing new or beyond the model Jesus gave us almost 2,000 years ago. God became flesh and joined the indigenous practices of His culture. Now it's our time to embed the message of Jesus into the emerging culture of our day.

    - Fred Peatross

    Read more of this great article...

    Wednesday, August 23, 2006


    Last time I checked people weren’t rejecting institutional religion because they don’t like the ambience; they’re rejecting it because they don’t relate to the message, the ideas, or the concepts it advances about God and life.

    - Spenser Burke

    Catch the interview and a couple of reviews of Spenser's book, Heretic's Guide to Eternity...

    Monday, August 21, 2006

    MIA or The Hamster in the Wheel

    Not that I have a large audience reading my blog. Especially since I've been so busy and haven't posted lately...

    Congratulations to James and Laura Bush! 25 years of marriage; new house; new job.

    Though we arrived late to the party, we still got to see Stephen and Jen, Sarah, and Chris. Plus we got to see the Edwards briefly: Brent, Sherry, Liesl, and Krista.

    It just reminded me of how much time has slipped away and some of the unfinished business that I've undertaken. I've not done a very good job of balancing work, family, and ministry lately.

    I'll try to do better...