Friday, December 30, 2005

Goin' digital

Just aquired the Nikon D50
6.1 megapixels..Digital SLR..autofocus..Auto flash with auto pop-up..18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G ED AF-S DX Zoom

New wish list item...

18-200mm f/3.5-5.6G ED IF AF-S DX VR Wide Angle Telephoto Zoom
MSRP at $699

Thursday, December 29, 2005

more to come...

Brutally honest examination
Genuine confession and repentance
Real life accountablility

Ghost of Christmas past...

This year was just different. Here's some background:

Andy's birthday: November 14
Lindsay's birthday: November 21
Thanksgiving: November 24
Gail working 3-4 part-time jobs through the holiday season.
Celebrate holidays with in-laws: December 18
Christmas Eve family meal and celebration @ my parents: (December 24)
Christmas morning family meal and celebration: (December 25)
Anniversary: (December 27)
Family meal etc.: December 28

Gail said that it feels different because all of the kids are older. I think that's probably true. I also was disconnected to a church family this year. I'm sure that's part of it also. Mostly though, it was scheduling. The whole season seemed as if it was squeezed together.

2005 Christmas Quotes to remember:
1. "I drive the Zamboni"
2. "I play drums"
3. "I'm busy"

2005 Christmas Quotes to forget:
"Fleece Da De Da!"

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Boundary Markers and the Emerging Church

Found a delightful article that would benefit all who would take time to read and think it through...

The author, Alan Hartung, whom you might know from THEOOZE, has correctly identified some of the characteristics of the emergent followers that clearly contrast with values of the more traditional (institutional) church.

Boldness and Blandness

Unlike "Sweet and Sour", they just don't make for a pleasant mix...

“Even outsiders feel the disparity between the boldness of our claims upon the nations and the blandness of our engagement with God”.

- John Piper

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Just finished...

Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality
by Donald Miller (Thomas Nelson, Inc.)

I recommend it.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Meet Barbara from Portugal

Special thanks to Andrew for introducing Barbara. The following quote was taken from an article that I found on the Rivertribe blog

“What if we had a big house in the city where we could allow young artists space to work and display their art? What if we had a café there where people could find meaningful community and conversation? What if we ran social projects out of there? What if the upper levels could house a community of those seeking to grow in their spiritual lives? What if we could be recognized as people who really care? What if church became a non-toxic word to those who have only been exposed to dead institutions? What if we threw parties for the homeless and gave presents to poor children? What if we could be a place of life?”
Hear from her on her blog, Shantii Pilgrim or from other article courtesy of the TallSkinnyKiwi from his articles here or from his travels here...

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Found a blog for Ancient-Future Worship and A Call To An Ancient Evangelical Future: blog: Ancient-Future Talk: November 2005


One of the local radio stations keeps airing an editorial promotion about "keeping Christ in Christmas."

You could get offended by what follows.

The jest of the promotion is to characterize those who use the phrase, "Happy Holidays" (in lieu of "Merry Christmas") as secular, pagan, or at the very least, carnal. Perhaps that describes me. I agree that those who follow Jesus need to be careful not to miss Him during all of the celebration of the season. I also think that it is a wonderful time to tell the story of Jesus. But focus less on that He came and how He came and focus more on why He came.

I try not to concern myself with being "politically correct" when it comes to faith issues. I opt to be "Biblically correct" as I understand it. YMMV. I don't want to impose my faith or my culture or my religious principals on others who may have a different perspective. I'd rather walk with them and introduce them to Jesus.

I used to be fervent about apologetics. Now I feel stronger about apologizing to those who seem hostile to my faith for all that's been done to them and others in His name.