a life that’s in rhythm with God
I like the idea of that.
Doug Pagitt, Pastor, Author, and one of the significant voices from Emergent Village has a great article on emerging church values.
In no way do I suppose to speak for all emerging communities but from my understanding as an insider - this is what I see.I recommend that you read the entire article.
1. Emerging Churches strive to be positive about the future.
2. Churches within the emerging community are committed to God in the way of Jesus.
3. The Kingdom of God is a central conversation in emerging communities.
4. The emerging church values communal life – living like family.
5. Emerging churches seek to live as missional communities.
6. Friendship and hospitality are transformational pieces in the emerging church.
7. Communities in the emerging movement value theology.
So that is my list; it’s not intended to be static - nor the end of the conversation. I guess you could say it’s just emerging.
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