Sunday, August 14, 2005


The term may be overstated and offensive to some but the concept is genuine for those of us who are willing to build the future instead of waiting for it to arrive. I offer some excerpts from Rob McAlpine's article Detoxing From Church

Loving the Church Enough to Get Upset
"When Jesus said 'I will build My church', this can't be what He had in mind!"

Getting the System Out of Our System
...I was thinking about this whole concept of detox being a normal, healthy part of breaking out of "the system" in order to create something vibrant and new, or reform the existing churches.

So When Are They Coming Back?
The assumption can be that once people work through a season of detox, that they'll be back in the pew "where they belong", ready to take part in the work of the church. Maybe. Maybe not.

There is a human tendency to want to prove that one way (our way) of expressing the gathered Body of Christ is somehow superior to all others, or (if we're attempting to sound humble), at least more effective

It is important to remind everyone that at the bottom of this whole sense of detox are people who are in love with Jesus, and who want to be a part in the healthy functioning of the Body of Christ... People are in detox because they love Jesus and have a vision for being His Body in an advancing Kingdom on this earth.


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