Monday, June 06, 2005

Truth in advertising

As Followers, we are in the Truth business. Live It. Love It. Share It. Yet we often fall prey to secular schemes and outdated business models that may betray the reality of who we really are. Our lack of true innovation reflects a cheap imitation of yesterday's news at best and usually it's more of a 2D photocopy on generic plain white paper.

I see it when we try to ride the waves of trendy marketing themes found in magazines or when we draft behind the ideas of culture as though we can become relevant by association.

I see it when we position our influence into civic organizations to promote our agendas or when we polish our image and promote our (member) services to select demographics (target audiences) in order to draw additional participants and their purses. The temptation is great. To those who don't really know us we can posture and pretend and strive to be whom we wish we were or who we want to become.

I see it most when it comes to finances. That's banker's speak for saying it's all about the money, which in church speak we call stewardship because it justifies our taking advantage of professionals at discounted and shameful rates. I understand working with volunteers. I do. Really. I think that my track record qualifies my voice on this matter.

But let's be honest; humble; transparent. Don't promise what you can't deliver. Pay your own way. Let the warts and wrinkles show... they give us character.


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