Wednesday, May 25, 2005

You Must Become a Missionary

The modern, church-as-franchise mentality where "one size fits all" no longer exists. Your contexts are all unique—your kids and your situations and your churches and the local communities in which God’s planted you all are special.

That’s why—as we exit modern ways of processing reality—it’s crucial to reexamine long-held beliefs and assumptions regarding how we communicate with youths and teach them to live out the gospel.

"Garbage In-Garbage Out."
"Propositional Truth" Evangelism.
The Gospel of Consumption.
"Christian Culture."
Western Christianity.
Jesus as "Personal Savior."
"Sacred and Secular."

Here’s the point: Let’s bring reality to bear and realize that the culture is upon us. Our kids are already in it. It’s not a matter of needing to rescue the kids from the culture—it’s a matter of rescuing the lens through which they interpret culture. It’s a matter of them living in a community, discerning the truth, and redeeming what aspects of the culture can be redeemed.

Read more in this article entitled, "A Second Reformation Is at Hand" - by Mark Driscoll & Chris Seay


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