When I read the opening remarks by Dr James MacDonald
Let me begin with a word of personal appreciation for the current leaders of the emerging church movement. I am deeply grateful for your courage in standing against the many shortcomings of the modern western church. Thanks for insisting that authenticity in relationship is the foundation of genuine Christian community. Thanks for standing against the formulaic/instant Gospel which fills our churches with tares and insulates the human heart from a genuine transformational encounter with the living Christ. Thanks also for daring to believe that failure is not final and that Christ yet longs for His bride to function with the health and wholeness He created it to enjoy
I was stunned to read the words that followed in explanation of why he's not ready to join ranks:
1.Because observing the bad is not a credential for guiding us to the good
2.Because God is looking for obedience to revealed truth, not just sincerity
3.Because Christ’s is a kingdom of substance, not style
4.Because the answer is Jesus, not cultural analysis
5.Because Jesus is the purpose for the party, not the surprise hiding in the closet of respectability
Read more of his thoughts on Why I’m Not Emerging:
A Brief Response to the Emergent Church
tallskinnykiwi weighs in on How James MacDonald Can Avoid Being Emerging
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