it’s not rocket science
I had this brief discussion with Bob Hyatt...
OK. I read this on his blog. But it fills in the other half of a conversation that I've been having with myself on and off over the last couple of years and mostly on the last couple of months.
Start small. Raise some support, trust God for the rest and get a job at Starbucks if need be. Let your community be what it will be. Refuse to do for the people who come the ministry that they should do for themselves. Concentrate on laying a foundation of community and common core values and let your church grow organically without superimposing a grand “vision” on it.
When we were still in the dream phase of this thing people would ask me- “What will it look like?” I grew to love answering “I have no earthly idea.” All I could say was that if a bunch of cloggers and bluegrass musicians showed up, well… we’d be the clogging church. If a bunch of skate punks showed up, we’d be the skate church. I wasn’t out to niche target-market our community, and so felt great freedom to just sit back and watch what happened. I still feel that freedom…
Like I said, it’s not rocket science.
- Bob Hyatt
Hey Jay,
I just noticed that you've been blogging. I'll be patiently awaiting the next one.
Darrell Barnes, at Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Hey man,
I hope life has been good to you since last time we talked. I agree with darrell.
Tim, at Wednesday, August 06, 2008
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