previously colonized, marginalized or exploited
previously colonized, marginalized or exploited
- Melvin Bray
... I love those people!
It's a great day. Received an email from Emergent/C today. It contained a link to Melvin's blog. Excellent read. Found myself wishing he lived in the metroplex (D/FW) so I could hang out with him and gain some de-culturalization and perspective.
Here's some things that I learned about Melvin:
He has four blogs. He's a writer (good thing). He's thoughtful, honest, direct, articulate. He gives his life away.
Here's some things that I learned about myself from Melvin:
I'm beige (not by choice, but it has its advantages). I'm priviledged (some in my situation will never get it). I'm colonial (though less now than before; trying to move away from that world view).
I recommend spending some time on his blog and chasing some of his links. I'm looking forward to Life Across the Tracks...