Monday, August 01, 2005

Discussions are heatin' up.

This great article by Stephen Shields will get you started or catch you up.

Chase a few of the links and find out "how deep the rabbit hole really goes"

Lean Toward the Other. Just as a bicyclist leans toward the ground when making a turn in order to avoid falling to the ground, participants in this coming conversation will, counterintuitively, need to lean toward the other rather than away.

Value Criticism as Pure Gold. A rebuke goes deeper into a man of understanding than a hundred blows into a fool. Proverbs 17:10

"Balance Advocacy with Inquiry" This is a phrase from Peter Senge’s wonderful book, The Fifth Discipline. Balancing advocacy with inquiry is an art.

Differentiate Emotional and Logical Statements: Respond to every emotional statement with empathy and to every logical statement with inquiry.


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