Just saw an add for the new Nikon lens that I want at Best Buy.
Not to be out done... Circuit City joins in.
All reports are that Nikon set the MSRP @ $699 though most places are selling now for around $750 since it is in limited supply.
...dang it.
I did find an interesting/novel idea, but the page link didn't work...
You better hope the bids on our fence and garage and A/C come in low, or we get a big tax refund (thanks to my slacker year in 2005)! Maybe you could finance it with a part time job as a photographer . . .
By the way, you know I'm the spelling police, and it's "ad," not "add." I love you.
Gail (but you can call me G), at Tuesday, January 31, 2006
what does a macro lens do that is different from a standard lens?
hampton, at Tuesday, January 31, 2006
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